Operation Management
Ensure all operational data is transferred from ships to the office during voyages for accurate reporting, low emissions, cost reduction, and workflow optimization.The operation module displays detailed fleet voyages and enables instant monitoring from departure to arrival.

EU-MRV & IMO DCS Compliant
Automatically generate reports that contain the necessary data for the European Union emission regulation MRV and IMO DCS in a short period of time and send it to your verifier.
Environment & Emissions
Create reports for gas emissions (NOx, SOx, CO2) automatically and compliant to IMO regulations.
Fuel Performance
Monitor fuel performance (Energy Efficiency Operational Index - EEOI) of ships a voyage or specific date range basis. Compare results on ships and previous year’s basis.
As Much Detail As You Need
Location, speed, cargo, wind and sea condition, and fuel level constitute only a part of the details within the operation module. You may monitor many details of the voyage through operational reports.
Things You May Do with
Operation Management
You may keep track of operational actions during a voyage on daily basis by creating a new voyage and voyage related legs.
Operational Reports
You may generate daily reports of all operations performed at sea and port over the course of the voyage. You may minimize erroneous report entry by forming a hierarchical order among the operations.
You may keep the record of bunkered to the ship with quantity and price information. You may input the expenses on a daily basis with the place of expense, so that you may regularly monitor the remaining amount of fuel in the ship.
Luboil and Water
You may follow the oil and fresh water supply to the ship together with the details of daily consumptions.
You may follow up all the details of the cargo(es) carried in due course of the voyage. In this section, you may find information like cargo grade, quantity, loading/discharging ports and dates and charterer etc.
Together with nearly 10 thousand ports worldwide that are defined in the system, you may define new ports and share important notes about the ports with the entire fleet.
You may view paper and digital maps in the ship inventory and follow the features of these maps.
You may follow all printed and digital publications and their details which are available in the ship inventory.
You may follow the updates pertain to NTM and ECDIS systems.
Map View
With the map view feature, you may track all the movements of all ships
in the fleet on the map, such as their instant locations and departure
arrival points.
Powerful Reports
By means of the operation module, you may generate a summary or
reports with
high-accuracy. You may report the fuel consumption
details of the voyage
and also calculate the
consumption in good
weather/sea conditions.
E-Mail Notifications
Even if you do not have access to the application, always be informed
about the current status of
the voyage by receiving every operational
report via e-mail.
ISM Integration
As required by ISM, you may ensure that the digital forms that must be
filled during the voyage
are filled by integrating them into the system.
Flexible & Customizable
The operation module’s flexible infrastructure allows customization for
your fleet and company
needs. Use only the necessary sample voyage
reports, minimizing errors
and saving time by
specifying allowed report
types after each voyage.