Key Performance Indicators
Find out how close your company and fleet are to your goals. You may instantly reach to the
reports that take a long time and require high attention to prepare without delay through Key
Performance Indicators module.
Besides the well-accepted indicators in the maritime industry, you may access many performance
indicators about safety, finance, operation, and many other departments, as well as the analysis
results and graphics developed by Micromarin Software.


You may compare fleet ships, years and quarters in all key performance indicators.

You may easily determine your performance by defining the target and minimum requirement values for performance indicators.

By way of detailed filtering options, you may analyze performance indicators in such a way that meet all of your needs.

For reporting purposes, you may print out graphs and performance values on the dashboards.
Customizable Dashboards
Key Performance Indicators module offers you many widgets instead of ready-to-use displays. Users
may create any number of personal dashboards by adding the widgets they wish and they may even
share these dashboard layouts with other users.
Each KPI provides detailed filtering. Saving the indicators as filtered always allows the
desired result to be accessed within the shortest time.

Advanced Analysis Reports
Besides the key performance indicators prepared by institutions such as OCIMF and BIMCO, you may access all the well-accepted indicators in the maritime industry via this application. Moreover, thanks to the many analysis reports and advanced performance indicators that have been developed by Micromarin Software by taking the needs of the maritime industry into account, you may easily identify problems in your workflow and gain significant advantages in achieving your business goals.